Everything is always cheaper in Vietnam and Thailand! So much cheaper than Korea! They did a great job! This salon is so impressive! From the imagination, skill, and the incredible architectural style! Makes me think of the Star Trek-themed Optometrist I go to, lol That set in the US would be 4-5 times higher in price.

That’s if you can find someone to do that. There aren’t many places in my area that have the more creative options. wow all the services look very premium for the prices. this would be an amazing place for a girls trip thx for sharing Haven’t been to a nail salon in years but I’d definitely go to this one.

The nail tech did an amazing job. This set was very nice. I appreciated how she really took her time and focused on the service. Even if the prices were a little higher it would be worth it.
Seems to me like those lovely ladies working in that salon are not making nearly enough money for the amazing artists they are.

such a cute salon and great service! my favorite of the 3 designs you chose are the magnetic glitter ones with the square border, very pretty I think I would fidget with the sculpted white ones too much and be touching them/rubbing them all the time cause of the texture and how 3-D they are (I do this whenever I use any sort of charm or 3-D element on my own nails tho ). love your nail vids so much!! they’re my favorite content you do 🫶
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