Dang thats so nice. It looks so cool and also relaxing. I do hope the ladies wear gloves and avoid touching gels with their hands like the putty. Its a very big culprit for developing allergies and ending up with dermatitis due to methacrylates, acrylates (in lash glue, other adhesives, dentures, hearing aids, rubber, some random solvants, soft contacts),

builder gels can also have cyanoacrylates which is also in nail glue, super glue. Idk why it seems to cause more allergies when its used on nails rather than when its in other stuff. But this means if you develop an allergy you cant get liquid stitches, may have difficult time touching rubber, contacts, lash glue, hearing aids, dentures.

Basically they should avoid touching it at all costs It’s so weird, I didn’t know what to watch on YouTube and suddenly wanted to watch a nail art video, in particular one one your channel. So popped on over and immediately, it’s the first video I see and uploaded yesterday just yesterday yayyyyyyyy

i just came back from my trip to vietnam and i miss it so so much ˙◠˙ besides missing family+food I MISS THE MASSAGES AND HAIR WASHES! i legit never washed my own hair my entire trip there (26 days lol) bc each wash was $1-2. i felt so spoiled lol it was amazing <3
This video is going to come in so handy for me today because I’m going to my nail tech I wanted my nails shortened just like you did but I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to explain it right and now I can just show her. Thank you