I LOVE HOW EVEN IN OTHER CONTENTS YOU MAKE BESIDES MAKE UP IT IS STILL SO THERAPEUTIC!! PLEASE MAKE THIS A REGULAR ONE AS WELL I AM ENJOYING 🥰 thank you for this informative and efficient video! My teen wants to start doing her own nails, and I know nothing about it… I’ll be sharing this video with her,

AND checking out the products you recommend! Uhm, Jess, sorry to be picky but please fully cure each coat before go to another step in a nail lamp for 60-90s in order to fully cure the layers. Seem like your instruction miss this crucial step. If you miss these step, your nails will not last as long as your expectation.

Nice!!! I built up the courage and started doing my own nails about 2 months ago after paying $120 for a full set and two fell off before I got home and ended up with a fungus under one nail two weeks later. I love this and will help me with the process Muchas gracias Jesi por un nuevo video,

y un tutorial que realmente necesitaba , últimamente mis uñas no me duran y creo que este video es para mí 😊❤