Relax for Clean Up 2025 Part 8

I suppose you’re using a flashcure lamp. If you are, please invest into a “classic” nail lamp because you can’t fully cure your nails with a flash cure. You risk getting contact dermatitis which isn’t the best to have haha this is probably the best nail tutorial ive ever seen ive

gotten acrylics since I was 16 and over the last 2 years ive kind of been starting to lessen how often I get them done and I know their toxic but at the same time im 21 im an avid nail biter so if I get acrylics or nails put on it stops me from biting my nails so im in a rough spot but maybe if I try doing this it’ll save me and save me a trip to the nail salon Final mani is beautiful!!

Please make sure you’re using a full cure lamp not a flash cure lamp as leaving the uncured gel on your nails will lead to gel allergies unfortunately! living in Vietnam and a complete set of nails in Vietnam costs an average of about $10-30. Acrylic nails are priced around $50,

but in Vietnam, people prefer using gel-x nails so the price overall is very reasonable 😅 Jess, by any chance did you get the Aprés x Hello Kitty kits? If you did, could you show how you would use it? I’m a new follower and am SO GLAD you have read hair, btw! I just got my hair done and have joined the dark-red hair fam. 😊🎉

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